Laser Peening Component Enhancement Services

Every day at LSP Technologies we’re working to make your parts stronger.

Posted: March 26, 2018

Close up of polished gears inside an engineOur Production Laser Peening process is a proven metal fatigue solution to prevent component cracking and failure.
What is Production Laser Peening?
We’ve developed a service-based metal improvement model, providing contract component enhancement for manufacturers large and small.

Send us your problem parts, your critical parts, your greatest material challenges…

We’ll apply strategic Laser Peening enhancement to improve cracking resistance, damage tolerance and operational lifetime.
LSP Technologies operates one of the largest laser peening production facilities in the world. We leverage in-house expertise and state-of-the-art processing equipment to deliver unrivaled metal surface enhancement.
We tailor our patented Laser Peening application to your needs, your material and your part. The result is a custom metal improvement solution optimized for your business.

We’ve been doing it for twenty years.

A woman driving a forklift in a warehouse and a man loading parts into a machine
LSPT operates a dedicated production infrastructure for efficient processing, quick turnaround, and comprehensive quality control. Our state-of-the-art laser peening equipment offers industry-leading throughput, and we measure success by the satisfaction of our customers.
Our team is always on hand to deliver Laser Peening Production services that meet your needs.
Custom applications.
Proven solutions.

Enhance your products with Production Laser Peening from LSP Technologies, Inc.


Interested in Seeing More?

Tell us about your application, material, or failure mechanism and we will have one of our experts reach out to you. Our extensive library of research and years of experience gives us a unique advantage to apply a finite element analysis to help diagnose the best application for your situation.

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