Publication comments on total cost of product failure

While recently reviewing a engineering simulation publication (Advantage, VOL VII, ISSUE 2), we came across several text excerpts that resonated with the focus of LSP Technologies.

Posted: August 20, 2013

While recently reviewing a engineering simulation publication (Advantage, VOL VII, ISSUE 2), we came across several text excerpts that resonated with the focus of LSP Technologies.
From the article “Keeping Your Product Promise”:

“As recent headlines attest, the financial cost of product failure can have a major impact on a company’s bottom line – eroding current profit margins and impacting future financial as potential warranty costs are built into the forecast. There are other long-term costs of product failures that may be less tangible but equally important.  Today, thanks to the expansion of social media, a single dissatisfied customer can share his or her views with the world in seconds, via a single mouse click.  Though harder to measure than warranty costs, negative product reviews can cause irrevocable damage to any manufacturer’s hard-won brand equity.”

Costs of product failures total much more than just the part value. Customer relationships are the strongest foundation for a business, and one area in which LSP Technologies places heavy emphasis.  If you’re in need of product life enhancement, contact us to discuss how we can help you and your customers.
From the article “Robust Design at Pratt & Whitney”:

“Many components of jet engines require cast materials with long lead times.  This results in the need to design parts and commit to geometry long before thermal boundary conditions are measured, so these designs need to be robust across a range of potential thermal conditions.”

One of the major points here is that shortened product development cycles can occasionally result in design deficiencies. Situations like this have occurred countless times in the past, and laser peening has been recognized as a solution to treat critical areas that do not perform as intended.  Laser peening often enables these products to meet and exceed their original design requirements.

Whether you are looking at new designs that stand to benefit from laser peening, or you’re looking to improve upon your current product line, laser peening presents a great opportunity to increase your product reliability.  Give us a call to discuss your application!

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Tell us about your application, material, or failure mechanism and we will have one of our experts reach out to you. Our extensive library of research and years of experience gives us a unique advantage to apply a finite element analysis to help diagnose the best application for your situation.

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