Custom Laser Peening Solutions

Discuss Custom Equipment

Our custom laser peening solutions take the challenges our customers face and turn them into innovative equipment and solutions for metal surface improvement.

We can install custom laser peening solutions on the factory floor and integrate them — and their production data — into advanced manufacturing processes.

Look to us for custom laser peening solutions that address hard-to-reach areas of your components. Custom applications can provide solutions for maintenance shops and hazardous environments, too.


two employees pointing at a computer screen discussing laser peening solutions

Custom Advantages

  • Specialized Tooling Tailored Precisely To Your Production Environment And Components
  • Solutions That Provide Laser Peening Benefits In Hard-To-Reach Locations
  • Solutions That Work For Large Components That Cannot Be Shipped
  • Portable Solutions For Flexibility In Multiple Applications And Processes
  • Laser Peening Equipment That Operates Under Hazardous Condition
Laser Peening Equipment - Forming

Custom Engineering That Produces Results

Manufacturers increasingly demand customized laser peening equipment that fits a specific production environment and meets demanding metal surface improvement requirements. Some of our custom solutions incorporate the Procudo® Laser Peening System to generate the laser beam for custom tooling and applications.

Other custom solutions involve developing completely new custom laser beam delivery equipment from the ground up for exactly the power levels and applications you need.

Either way, we bring the in-house skill sets of an unmatched engineering staff to deliver expertise and solutions for all optics, tooling, automation, and materials science and analysis.

For each custom solutions customer, we can develop

  • Equipment footprints customized for application environments
  • Lasers from low-power up to 10 joules
  • Fiber optic laser beam delivery option
  • Custom arm and mirrors for remote beam delivery
  • Micro-mirrors and micro-lenses for hard-to-reach locations
  • Portable laser peening systems for smaller production lines or maintenance operations

Custom Solutions

Developing Custom Laser Peening Equipment Takes Expertise, Creativity, and Commitment

Our ability to develop first-of-a-kind projects is based on laser peening technology and innovation for nearly 25 years. During that time, customers have seen the benefits from our creativity, innovation, flexibility, and speed.

Our team delivers the goods – the consistently high level of expertise, hard work, dedication, and relentless commitment to excellence.

Application Development

First, we seek to understand your components, the production environment at your facilities, and the  precise metal fatigue issues to address.

With FEA modeling techniques, our extensive library of alloys and shapes – and your experience – we will pinpoint where laser peening processing will counteract tensile stress with compressive residual stress.

Next, we develop an application, with verifiable compressive stress and life-extension for your part, often extending the useful life of your parts by up to 10x what you’ve experienced.

Our interdisciplinary team moves into action, developing your custom equipment solution

With an understanding of your components, environment, and objectives constantly before us, we explore alternative equipment strategies – some involving our standard Procudo® Laser Peening System, other alternatives with completely custom approaches and tooling.

We work closely with customers to maximize the value of your custom solution by evaluating costs of design, fabrication, software, and installation.

After a preliminary design and project approval, we constantly improve and simplify equipment and installation options, winning approval from customers at crucial design review checkpoints.

Most important, we identify issues to resolve quickly – with accelerated problem-solving by our small and agile staff, and open communication with you, our customer.

We Deliver on Laser Peening Technology

Our experienced project managers will monitor every aspect of your custom equipment project. They are experienced engineers, technology managers, and quality guardians, focusing on objectives, timelines, and meeting your requirements.

Our experienced engineers and technicians integrate the technology, and we assemble your custom equipment in-house at our Dublin, Ohio facilities.

We have more than 50,000 sf of plant to devote to assembly, development, and testing, allowing us to devote ample space to custom laser peening projects.

We can complete and demonstrate our custom laser peening tools and perform factory functional tests to demonstrate equipment operations and verify benefits to your parts – again, all in-house.

Ready to explore your own custom solution?

Frequently Asked Questions About Custom Laser Peening Equipment

  • The customer, the component product, and operating conditions – both at your facility and at your customer’s – help us jointly determine whether standard equipment will fit your needs. Here are just two examples of factors that come into play:

    • Hard-to-reach components and stress areas are common, so specialized laser peening tooling is a standard request.
    • Our standard robots position parts for laser peening up to 180 kilograms, more than 350 pounds, so parts over that weight may require custom peening mechanisms.
  • The primary index to the affordability of laser peening is to compare it to the cost of failure.

    If metal fatigue in your component results in unacceptable compromises to quality, safety, operational integrity, and reliability, we can try to plug in a laser peening custom solution that fits your budget and the mission-critical role of your components.

    We typically find laser peening represents a small percentage of total production costs for parts, since it addresses the critical areas of metal fatigue and stress in such precise ways.

    That combination of precision, the depth of compressive residual stress, and the 5-10X life extension from laser peening, hold the potential for significant economic returns.

  • Typically, some of the engineering staff and equipment assembly crew involved in the original products are the same team members we assign to on-site installation, training, startup support, and ongoing technical consulting.

    We have established rapid resolution channels for technical issues, and regular maintenance and supplies procedures, all of them documented in product manuals included with each custom system.

It Starts with Your Metal Surface Challenge – and a Conversation With Our Helpful Experts

The challenges of corrosion, cracking, and metal fatigue seem unending.

When you’ve tried different alloys, surface treatments, shot peening, or abrasion, it just may be time to consider laser peening.

And when the component is too large to move, inaccessible, or just technically difficult to process, may be time to consider a custom laser peening equipment solution.

Our helpful and creative engineering experts can help you determine quickly if a standard equipment or custom equipment proposal is right for you. And we can prove laser peening solutions out for most components in less than 30 days after receiving test materials and technical data.

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