Industrial Laser Peening Research at ZAL TechCenter

LSP Technologies (LSPT) is offering laser peening research and application development at the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research in Hamburg, Germany. Machine time on LSPT’s state-of-the-art laser peening equipment at ZAL will be available to manufacturers seeking industry-leading metal fatigue enhancement.

Posted: August 1, 2017

LSP Technologies (LSPT) is now filling its schedule for laser peening application development in Europe. This landmark opportunity coincides with the impending delivery of LSPT’s Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System to the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research (ZAL Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung) in Hamburg, Germany. Beginning in 2018, LSPT is making the Procudo® System available to European manufacturers for laser peening research and application development.
Key features of the Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System:

  • Production-quality system engineered for high-volume laser peening
  • Diode-pumped, pulsed YLF laser delivers high beam quality for consistent processing
  • Fastest (20 Hz) and most powerful (200 W) pulsed laser peening equipment available in the world
  • Real-time diagnostics and selectable beam parameters for comprehensive process control
Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System exterior and optical table
Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System

“This is the first opportunity for many European manufacturers to access an industrial laser peening system for application and product development research,” said David Lahrman, VP of Business Development for LSPT. “We’re introducing a superior fatigue enhancement solution to the European market, and we’re excited to form new partnerships in pursuit of stronger, more reliable components.”

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Laser shock peening (LSP) is a powerful metal improvement process that produces a 10X fatigue life enhancement over shot peening. LSP utilizes a high-energy pulsed laser to generate controlled stress waves that impart compressive residual stresses up to 12 mm beneath the material surface. Laser peening has been proven to significantly extend the service life of metal parts by providing enhanced resistance to common failure mechanisms:

  • Fatigue Cracking
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • Foreign Object Damage
  • Fretting Fatigue
  • Creep Deformation
  • Erosion

Laser peening improves the performance and reliability of metal components, adding value to critical parts across a broad range of industries:

  • Aviation and Aerospace
    • Engine components, turbine blades, bulkheads, wing attachments, landing gear, helicopter components
  • Automotive
    • Axles, drive shafts, valve stems, connecting rods, pistons, impellers
  • Medical
    • Orthopedic implants, replacement joints, spinal fixation devices
  • Power Generation
    • Land-based turbine blades and components, nuclear containment vessels, wind turbine gears
  • Manufacturing
    • Metal forming dies, machine tools

LSP Technologies’ newest laser peening facility will reside in the heart of the Hamburg Aviation Cluster at the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research. The ZAL TechCenter is one of the largest and most advanced aeronautical research facilities in the world, offering an innovative research space for collaborative development of emerging technologies.

ZAL facility exterior daytime, Hamburg, Germany
ZAL facility, Hamburg, Germany, Copyright: ZAL/LHT

Companies looking to improve the fatigue strength and performance capabilities of their parts should contact LSP Technologies regarding access to the Hamburg laser peening facility. Highly trained technicians will work alongside OEM researchers to develop custom applications addressing specific material performance issues.
LSP Technologies is the world’s premier laser peening services, technology and equipment provider, delivering proven metal enhancement solutions for more than twenty years. LSPT is the only company in the world selling, installing, and integrating laser peening systems into manufacturing and research facilities, and the company has been awarded more than fifty patents for innovations in laser peening equipment and technology.

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