Laser Peening Precision Metal Forming Cover Story

Laser Peening Metal Enhancement Critical For Component Lifetime

Posted: November 9, 2017

Logo for Industrial Heating, red and black block lettersLSP Technologies is featured in the current issue of Industrial Heating, a monthly technical journal covering thermal technologies and other high-energy industrial applications. The November 2017 Cover Feature is titled, “Laser Peening Metal Enhancement Critical for Component Lifetime“.
B-1 Bomber on the tarmac with clouds behind
The article covers LSP Technologies’ powerful Laser Peening metal fatigue enhancement method, and unveils current efforts to transition the technology into the maritime industry as a precision forming application.
From the article:

The Navy and NSRP shipyards and maintenance facilities are gaining interest in this successful transition of laser peening into their field. They anticipate return on investment (ROI) similar to what has been realized over the last decade in aerospace as a result of the decrease in total life-cycle cost and improved design quality.

LSP Technologies is excited to be featured as a cover story and confident about the future of Laser Peen Forming as a cost-saving shipbuilding application. Click here to read the full article.
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