How Laser Bond Inspection Works

Using Stress Waves to Assess Composite Bond Strength

Real-time Assessment of Composite Bond Quality

By delivering precise readings of bond strength — a green light for good bonds, a red light for bad — laser bond inspection helps unleash the strength and savings of unitized components.

LBI technology measures the reflected values of laser pressure waves in real-time  assessment of whether a composite adhesive bond meets design and safety requirements.

Read more to see how Laser Bond Inspection works.


Laser Bond Inspection applies the power of high-energy, short-pulse lasers to non-destructive testing for composite adhesive bonds

With 25 years of experience in precision-controlled laser pulses, LSP Technologies uses the power of laser compressive waves to measure the strength of composite adhesive bonds — quickly evaluating whether bonded structure meet high quality standards.

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How Laser Bond Inspection Works, Step by Step

Laser Bond Inspection employs laser-induced shock waves to probe composite bonds, and LBI equipment measures reflected waves to distinguish healthy bonds from weak bonds that will fail to meet quality standards and design requirements. We use a high-energy, short-pulsed laser system where we can control the energy, the pulse width and the diameter of the spot on the surface of the part.

Step 1

The Laser Bond Inspection operator easily positions the inspection head over the segment of the part to be inspected.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Moving Inspecting head into position

Step 2

With a small amount of water as a transparent overlay, the inspection tool delivers a short pulse of laser energy to the part.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Head Focused on Inspection Area

Step 3
The compressive wave propagates through the composite structure to its back wall.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Inspection Head Initiates Compression Wave


Step 4
As the compressive wave strikes the back side surface, it reflects as a tensile wave.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Wave Reflects from Back Wall


Step 5
If the bond between the two materials is weak, the compressive wave will create a local disassociation at the bond interface.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Wave Disassociates Weak Bond

The reflected wave will  not damage structures with healthy adhesive bonding.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - undamaged bond line


Step 6
The Laser Bond Inspection tool indicates weak adhesive bonds with a red light, and the inspection tool uses a green light to indicate strong bonds.

How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Red Light


How Laser Bond Inspection Works - Green Light

Learn More About Laser Bond Inspection

The latest brochure describes the many benefits of Laser Bond Inspection for non-destructive testing of composite adhesive bonds.

Aerospace, Power Generation, and Automotive composite components will improve in quality, consistency, and durability, with the assurance of Laser Bond Inspection.

And we describe the unique technological advantages of LBI for detection of sub-standard bonds and kissing bonds — materials that are in intimate contact, but have no mechanical bonding strength.

See How Laser Bond Inspection Works

See LBI in action - Laser Bond Inspection, the world's only non-destructive testing method to evaluate post-assembly strength of composite bonds. See the science of LBI and a practical demonstration of the technology. It's as simple as a green light for healthy bonds and a red light for bonds that can't meet engineering requirements.

laser bond inspection - background picture

Explore Quality Assurance With Laser Bond Inspection for Non-Destructive Testing of Composites

Major aerospace manufacturers and defense aviation experts now agree Laser Bond Inspection has the potential to dramatically improve quality insurance for composite adhesive bonds.

The excitement now extends to commercial customers in a wide range of industries with their own demanding composite bond applications. Laser Bond Inspection provides the precision and ease-of-use you would expect from LSP Technologies.

To find out more about Laser Bond Inspection, please tell us a little about your application, and our highly qualified application development consultants will develop a cost-effective plan to improve quality assurance for your composite bond application.

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