LSPT Meets Major Milestone for German Laser Peening Facility

LSP Technologies recently achieved a major milestone in our road-map to delivering a Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System to the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research

Posted: May 3, 2017

LSP Technologies recently achieved a major milestone in our road-map to delivering a Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System to the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research.
ZAL Systems Engineer Thorsten Scharowsky visited LSP Technologies last week to inspect equipment, assess project development, and evaluate business development strategies regarding LSPT’s laser peeing facility at the ZAL TechCenter in Hamburg, Germany.
Critical elements to this project milestone include:

  • Completed assembly and performance testing of the diode-pumped YLF laser that powers the Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System.
  • Inspection of the KUKA six-axis robots being integrated with the laser peening system for part manipulation and process application.
  • Coordination of business development strategies to optimize collaborative research and production initiatives for laser peening at the ZAL facility.

LSPT’s fatigue enhancement system will be installed at the ZAL TechCenter in Hamburg, Germany during the third quarter of 2017.  The high-powered laser peening system will be used to explore surface enhancement applications for the civil aviation industry, and to perform production processing for European customers seeking component service life extensions.
The ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research is one of the world’s most advanced civil aviation research facilities. The ZAL TechCenter offers state-of-the-art infrastructure enabling joint research and development among major industrial players, small and medium-sized enterprises, scientific institutions, universities, and start-ups in an open innovation environment.
The establishment of a laser shock peening facility on the ZAL campus stems from the technology’s obvious advantages over conventional surface treatments like shot peening, and positions this powerful fatigue enhancement solution as a market-ready innovation defining new standards in the international aerospace industry.
The next major milestone in LSPT’s laser peening equipment delivery will occur in August when the system assembly is validated prior to being shipped to Hamburg.
Contact Us today to learn about laser peening opportunities at the ZAL facility in Hamburg.

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